For many of us the days are more chaotic and packed than ever. We are managing our families, households, and careers in ways that we never imagined. We are learning to navigate working from home, and remote or distance learning for our school aged children. Now more than ever we need to find ways to simplify our days. We need to leverage our time and delegate the tasks which can be delegated. I've brainstormed a list of ideas to help you with delegating these tasks and find more time in the day. This is by no means a comprehensive list, so please add your favorite tips in the comments. Lets help each other out.
1. Create a schedule - I like to use Google calendars for this. I can access it from my phone or lap top. The trick with making this work is have to use it. The things on your calendar should be your priorities for the day. I've learned that when I take the time to schedule the day I am more productive. Be careful not to over schedule your day, or to make an unrealistic schedule. If you know you sleep until 9 am, don't start scheduling things for 7 am.
2. Get the kids involved - Yes, they will complain, but study after study shows that chores benefit kids. Give them specific jobs and make sure to outline your expectations, and then let them do their jobs.
3. Hire help - This looks different for all of us. You may find that you need help with cleaning, or maybe tutoring the kids, or meal prep, whatever it is hire the help you need. Also, when thinking about help, remember to ask for it when you need it. Too often we struggle needlessly rather than simply asking for the help we need.
4. Get organized - There are endless articles, books, and videos dedicated to organization, and with good reason. Getting organized helps make things run more smoothly.
5. Identify your high tension times and plan for them - Do you find yourself overwhelmed in the morning rush? Someone is always running behind, breakfast is a few minutes late, and more often than not you are yelling? This is a high tension time, its right up there with dinner and bath time. Instead of feeling stressed and overwhelmed make a plan and set yourself up for success. You can meal prep breakfast (or buy frozen breakfast foods), pack backpacks and lunches, and set out clothes the night before. If you struggle with dinner time try prepping those meals or ordering from a meal prep service.
6. Take time for yourself - As the saying goes "You can't pour from an empty cup". Give yourself a break, do what you can, and focus on what matters.